Liberty Bell Awards October 29, 2020

The Glendale Bar Association is proud to award this years Liberty Bell award to Glendale Council Woman Paula Devine and Glendale Police Chief Carl Povilaitis. The award will be held on Oct 29, 2020 12:00 PM Pacific Time. Those who wish to view the even can Join the Zoom Meeting with the link provided below.
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Meeting ID: 858 2035 3179
Passcode: 181836
The Liberty Bell Award is given each year by local bar associations to honor outstanding citizens within the local community. The award recognizes outstanding service performed by a non-lawyer citizen who has given of his or her time and energy to strengthen the effectiveness of the American system of freedom under law, in keeping with the spirit of our Constitution. Such service may include activities which promote a better understanding of our form of government, especially the Bill of Rights; encourage greater respect for the law in the courts; educate people in the contrast between totalitarianism and freedom under law; or stimulate the deeper sense of individual responsibility to the end that citizens recognize their duties as well as their rights.